Support Services

Electrical Sub Station
Generator:100% automatic power back up for hospital through 2x1000 KVA modern DG set & stand by DG set 75 KVA capacity for ICU, CCU, CTVS ICU and Cardiac OT for special emergency care is available.


Registration & Medical Records Department
BMHRC Registration & Medical Record Department (MRD) is working 24x7 for 365 days. Approximately 750 out patients and 30 in patients were serviced per day by Registration & MRD of BMHRC. The average waiting time per patient during this period in Registration Department was 3 minutes.

The Bed Occupancy Rate was approximately 35% & Average length of stay for BMHRC was approximately 5 days for the year 2017 - 2018.


Collection Centre
The Collection Centre ensures proper blood or other specimen collection. A phlebotomist/technician will draw patient’s blood for different types of tests. After the sample is collected, the container is labeled with the patient’s name and other information, thereafter, samples are transported to respective laboratories for testing and reporting .


Purchase Section
Details of Equipments for which Purchase Orders has been issued and equipments installed / s upplied in BMHRC during the financial year 2017 - 2018

S No. Name of the Items Qty.  Date Department
1 Ultra Sound A Scan Biometer 01 No. 25.10.2017 Ophthalmology
2 Mobile Imaging System with Flat Panel Detector System 01 No. 14.11.2017 Neurosurgery
3 Cardiac Monitor Multifunctional Devices 10 Nos. 16.11.2017 Pulmonary
4 Electro Cautery Machine 02 No 05.12.2017 CTVS & Neurosurgery
5 Cardiac Monitor Multifunctional Devices   05 Nos. 26.12.2017 Urology & Surgical Oncology
6 ICU Ventilator + AIR Compressor 02 Nos. 27.01.2018 CTVS ICU
7 Centrifuge Machine 1 No. 02.02.2018 Microbiology
8 Non Invasive Ventilator 02 No. 15.03.2018 CTVS ICU
9 Heart Lung and Heater Cooler Machine 02 Nos. 28.03.2018 CTVS


The Store at BMHRC is divided into three cost centres viz. Drug Store, Clinical Store & General & Linen Store.The Store provides medicines, consumables, stationary items etc. to all the sub-stores & Health Centres of BMHRC. The Store is fully computerized and all transactions in stores are on real time basis. Maximum, Reorder & safety levels of Drugs & Consumables have been set and auto-indenting concept is fully operational.

The good receipt value for all the cost centres in Stores was approximately Rs.23 crores in the year. The savings in the year amounted to approximately Rs. 22 lakhs by Stores Department by adopting selective inventory control techniques.

Twenty eight Tenders of Drugs were floated by the Department of Stores in the financial year.


Tender section
One of the significant contributions by Stores Department was that during this period the hospital formulary was revised. By going through the transactional level for each drug, 218 drugs were removed from the hospital formulary resulted in reduction in hospital formulary. This activity is still under process.

Over all 24 meetings of various committees that is, Medical Board, Standard Drug Procurement Advisory Committee, Technical Evaluation Committee, Quality Assurance Committee, Hospital Level Procurement Committee were arranged by the department of Stores during the year 2017 to 2018.


The hospital has three wings of Pharmacy Units.

  1. Mini Unit Pharmacy
  2. Outpatient Pharmacy
  3. In-patient Pharmacy

The outpatient Pharmacy caters to all out-patients of BMHRC. The inpatient Pharmacy caters to all the inpatients and special outpatient clinics. The Pharmacist educates the patient about use of medications, side effects, dosage, and need of compliance.

BMHRC OPD Pharmacy is meant to provide free of cost medicines to OPD patients visiting the hospital. OPD Pharmacy is providing medicines to approximately 450 patients per day. OPD Pharmacy is fully computerized where patient wise/prescription wise system entry is carried out. Total average inventory value of OPD Pharmacy is approx. Rs 12.5 lakhs.


SMART Card Department
In house Bar-coded Smart Cards were introduced in October 2013 & implemented in December 2013 by BMHRC. So far, 42878 Bar-Coded smart cards of Gas Victims & their entitled dependents (Children) have been prepared and handed over to Mini Unit Coordinator during Financial year 2017-2018. The smart Card Section, as per SOP, has ensured sending the smart cards to Mini Unit Coordinator for distribution to patients within 30 days from the receipt of documents of patients from the concerned Mini Units.


Information Technology
The management of IT services of BMHRC has been outsourced by adopting due process of tendering. Most of the modules in BMHRC are integrated and a team of dedicated IT professionals are looking after the activities of IT Department. The major softwares in use are Materials Management, Admission Discharge Transfer, Billing, and Outreach Health Monitoring System (for Health Centres). The up time for above mentioned softwares was app. 99.50%

Continuous training programs (8 nos) were organized for training to BMHRC staff. The training includes on Materials Management, Smart Card distribution functionality etc. Total 13659 calls were registered in IT cell and 13650 calls were closed on time amounting to 99.59% on time closure of calls.


Air Conditioning & Air Cooling
A 720 ton-capacity central plant with modern double skin / single skin AHUs to handle OTs and other critical areas runs as per the international norms fully on emergency power. There is a Centralized air cooling system inside the hospital complex cooling through 14 modern air washers placed on the terrace of hospital building.


Fourteen modern elevators, present at various locations of hospital to handle the traffic of patients, staff & patients' relatives are operating.


Fire Detection Alarm & Fire Hydrant System
Modern fire detection and alarm (FDA) systems in conjunction with sophisticated pressurized modern fire hydrant system including fire sprinkler system are present.


Public Address System
The infrastructure has public address system, nurses call system for handling any emergency situations.


Laundry, Kitchen, CSSD, Manifold, Boiler
The hospital has centralized laundry, kitchen, CSSD, manifold, boiler with all modern equipment to handle the daily requirement of the hospital complex.


Biomedical Waste Management and Handling Systems
In order to handle biomedical waste generated from the hospital & Health Centres there are two shredders of capacity 15 kg / hour each, 2 autoclaves of capacity 250 ltrs each and for incineration we have outsourced thefacility to M/s Bhopal Incinerators Ltd, Bhopal as per standard bio-medical waste norms prescribed by Central / State Pollution Control Board.

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP): 500 cubic meter/day capacity sewage treatment plant to handle liquid waste of the hospital and residential campus as per the standard bio-medical waste norms prescribed by central / state pollution control board is functioning at BMHRC.

Water Recycling Plant: State-of-the-art 250 cub meter / day (2,50,000 Ltrs per day) STP-cum- water recycling plant (including lamella clarifier)is present to meet the requirement of water for AC plants, DG set cooling towers, laundry and horticulture inside the 88 Acres campus to maintain the environment neat, clean and green.


Biomedical Engineering section
The Biomedical Engineering Section provides a knowledge-based, timely, cost effective and high quality service (Instrument calibration/equipment maintenance including medical devices) to clinicians and other non-clinical departments in BMHRC, Bhopal in a professional and responsible manner, in order to improve and enhance patient care in the hospital by supporting all aspects of care related technology.


BMHRC has a state of art air-conditioned auditorium with 150 seats. It has the latest audiovisual equipment: LCD projector, overhead projector, Slide projectors and VCR and Sound Reinforcement System which caters to the conferences and seminars of the hospital.

The Auditorium is provided with modern audio-video facilities including conferencing system, simultaneous interpretation system, sound re-enforcement system, stage lighting arrangement through electronic dimmer control panel, motorized curtain system etc.


Telephone Exchange
A 500 lines, 24 hours telephone exchange at BMHRC and 12 / 16 lines exchanges at Health Centres have been installed to maintain the communication. Residential communication facilities & broad band internet facilities are also available at approved places.


Housekeeping and Security
These services are being provided by the Institute through selected outsourced agencies for maintenance of cleanliness and safety.


The hospital provides round the clock ambulance service to the patients. Other than the general ambulance a special cardiac ambulance is also available to handle cardiac patients in emergency.

  • The hospital provides round the clock ambulance service to the patients.
  • ICU Ambulance, Cardiac Ambulance, General ambulance.


Visitor’s Policy
The hospital has a clear visitor's policy which gives broad guidelines for the visitors to follow.

  • Visitors must be in fair health and free of communicable diseases.
  • Children below the age of 10 years are NOT ALLOWED.
  • Visitors must follow all the rules of the hospital.
  • They shall be limited to not more than two per patient.
  • They must have the visiting pass issued by the hospital authority at the time of admission ( Yellow pass)
  • Visitors are not allowed to bring food or beverages from outside the hospital.


Visiting Hours

  • Daily 5.00 pm to 6:30 pm.
  • The same timings are applicable to the Intensive care Unit and Cardiac Care Unit.


Patient Attendant’s Policy

  • Only one attendant is permitted to stay with the patient.
  • No attendants are permitted to stay without the primary physician's order.
  • Attendants must observe the rules of the hospital.
  • Attendants are responsible for their personal hygiene and food requirement.
  • Attendants are allowed for seven days with a proper pass (WHITE PASS) provided by the hospital. (This may be extended if required.)
  • Attendants must be in fair health and must be adults.


The Casualty department along with Medical officers and supporting nursing staff attends to emergency cases 24 hours a day in the hospital.



  • The hospital has two categories of wards; General ward and Private ward.
  • Each General ward consists of 30 beds.
  • The hospital has a 24-bedded private ward .


Discharge Planning

  • A management plan is formulated at the time of admission including your probable discharge date.
  • Follow-up treatment is advised at the time of discharge.
  • If any dietary planning has to be done the dietician is available for the same.


Diet Clinic
The Unit of Clinical Nutrition runs clinic for patient education to help in planning their meals for special needs, like for food allergies or Diabetes Mellitus, dyslipidemia, chronic renal failure etc.

The hospital provides food to all patients. The menu is prepared as advised by the treating doctors. The dietician visits the patients and looks after their special needs.


Public Relation Department
The hospital has a Public Relations Department which deals with the inquiries of patients, their relatives or other visitors. The Public Relations Officer (PRO) helps in locating various clinics, patients services, facilities etc.

  • The PRO also deals with Media Affairs and Health Education.
  • Any Empanelment queries may be directed to the PRO.


BMHRC Library is a functional unit of Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre which executes its activities under overall administrative control of Director. There is a Library committee for advising and administering library management.


Working Hours

  • 09 : 00 am to 10 : 00 pm (Monday to Saturday)
  • 10 : 00 am to 05 : 00 pm (Sunday and Holiday)


Access: Employees have access to the library with an ID Card. To check out books and journals here every library member is issued a unique membership code.

The library of the BMHRC institute is stocked and equipped with more than 3,000 important medical & nursing books, Indian and International e-journals, newspapers, periodicals andmagazines. E-journals can be accessed through internet using software Proquest and J-Gate +.

Last Updated On 16/01/2019