Specialty Clinics
The term endoscopy was contrived by combining Greek prefix endo - (within) and the verb skopein (to view or observe). The word skopy is not merely to look at but to view with a purpose, to observe with intent, to monitor.
Modern day gastrointestinal endoscope is a flexible instrument which provides high quality video image making diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in GI tract easier. Endosonography is one of the most noteworthy advances in GI Endoscopy during the 1980's.
- Variceal Hemorrhage: Band ligation and Intravariceal Glue Injection.
- Non Variceal Hemorrhage: Haemostatic Treatment like Injection Therapy and Argon-Plasma Coagulation.
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Pancreatits, Pancreatic Pseudocyst.
- Choledocholithiasis (Bile Duct Stones).
- Palliation of Esophageal Cancer: Metal Stenting.
- Benign Stricture Esophagus and Pylorus: Dilatation and Enteral Stenting.
- Obstructive Jaundice: Plastic and Metal Stenting of Periampullary Tumors and Perihilar Stricture.
- Liver Disease: acute and chronic liver Disease, Liver abscess, Hepatocellar Carcinoma.
- Colonic Stricture: Enteral Stenting
- Peptic Ulcer and Reflux Esophagitis
Non Surgical Treatment of Achalasia Cardia Salient Investigations Carried out
- Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- Flexible Sigmoidscopy
- Flexible Colonoscopy
- ERCP- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography
- Endoscopic Ultrasound- Radial and Linear EUS
- Liver Biopsy
- Endoscopic Mucosal Biopsy of Upper and Lower GI Tract.
- Fine needle aspiration cytology.
- Brush cytology.
Last Updated On 28/12/2018