
Presently following equipment are available in the Department.

Gestroscopes Esophagogastrodudenoscopes
Pediatric - Olympus GIF-XP160
Adult - Olympus GIF-Q160, Ch. Dia 2.8mm
Olympus GIF-V Ch.Dia 2.8mm
  Pediatric - Olympus PCF L 160
Adult - Olympus CF Q 160 AL
Olympus CF VL
Side Viewing Endoscope
Olympus TJF- 160R, Ch. Dia 4.2mm
Olympus TJF- 130, Ch Dia 3.2m
Fluoroscopy Machine
Digital 9002 Stenoscope
Arm with Remote Control
GE Medical System
Endo Scope Washers
One Kaigen Machine: Clean top WM.1 CE 0123

EUS/ Enteroscopy Services 
Endoultrasound and Enteroscope are two state of art equipments, which are rapidly becoming essential part of any premiere endoscopy centre in the country and abroad. These equipment were procured and installed in the month of August 01.The details are:

EUS      Pentax EG-3630U, Ch. Dia 2.4mm
US Scanner: Hitachi EUB 525
Video Processor: EPM 350

Enteroscope   Pentax VSB-3440, Channel Diameter 3.5mm

GI Physiology Services
The GI Physiology Equipment (GIPC -2 Redtech Software, Supplied by Dr S.N.Reddy, Redtech Software (P) Ltd, Hyderabad and California USA.)was procured in Feb 01. Our Equipment can provide following functions

Esophageal manometry
Esophageal pH Study (ambulatory)
Antroduodenal manometry
Biliary manometry
Colonic manometry
Anorectal manometry
EMG (Electromyography)
EGG (Electrogastrography)

Last Updated On 28/12/2018