Salient Disorders Treated

Salient Disorders Treated

1. Schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders

The symptoms a patient usually presents with are

  • Delusions: which are fixed false beliefs. Usually patients have delusions of persecution (false beliefs that others are trying to harm them) and / or delusions of reference (false belief that others are discussing about the pa-tient).
  • Hallucinations: These are sensations in the absence of a stimulus, for e.g. Patients hear voices (even when alone) which discuss about him / her  commenting about the patient's actions.   

2. Depressive Disorders

The symptoms a patient usually presents with are

  • Depression / low mood for most of the day,nearly every day with little variation in mood.
  • Diminished interest in pleasurable activities.
  • Disturbance in sleep, appetite, weight and libido.
  • Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness.
  • Recurrent thoughts about death and suicide.       

3. Bipolar Disorder

The symptoms are

  • Periods of prolonged and profound depression alternating with periods of mania when there is excessively elevated and irritable mood, increased energy and activity, grandiosity and reckless behavior.
  • Between these "highs" and "lows" patients usually experience periods of full remission.

4. Anxiety Disorders

The symptoms vary according to the disorder

  • Panic disorder: recurrent attacks of intense fear, breathlessness, increased heartbeat and palpitation, sweating, tremors, dizziness, drying of mouth, headache, etc. are the kind of symptoms that occur during these attacks.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder: excessive and persistent worry and anxiety and feelings of apprehension about everyday events /problems, which can cause significant distress and socio-functional impairment.
  • Phobias: Recurring excessive and unreasonable fear and anxiety to a spe-cific feared object or situation leading to avoidance, whenever possible.   

5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The symptoms are

  • Repeated, uncontrollable, unpleasant and senseless thoughts, doubts or impulses, referred to as obsession.
  • Repeated acts are compulsions like repeatedly checking locks or washing hands
  • Obsessions and compulsions cause distress or interfere with the person's social or individual functioning.

6. Stress and related disorders

As a response to stress, patients can develop acute and transient stress reaction, or if the stimulus is exceptionally stressful, the patient might develop posttraumatic stress disor-der.

7. Eating Disorders

  • Anorexia nervosa: pathologically low weight and weight loss behaviors.
  • Bulimia nervosa: Recurrent episodes of binge eating with compensatory weight loss behaviors.

8. Sleep Disorders

9. Childhood psychiatric disorders like autism, mental retardation, ADHD

10. Dementias

Last Updated On 22/09/2017