Specialty Clinics


  • All routine haematological parameters are performed with complete automation.
  • Anaemia profile.
  • Leukemia & Cytochemistry.
  • Bone Marrow
    • Aspiration
    • Trephine
  • Complete Coagulation Profile with automation.


All biochemistry parameters are entertained in fully automated biochemistry analyzers (Roche Cobas C311 and Beckman Coulter AU 480) inclusive of few special tests like Serum Ferritin, Serum Iron. TIBC and Glycosylated haemoglobin etc. Electrolytes and Blood Gas Analysis is done in the fully automated instruments.


The laboratory is fully equipped to support Nephrology and Urology department for 24 hours estimation of Urinary Proteins, Sodium, Creatinine and Calcium.


The department of Histopathology and Cytopathology gives opinion on specimens received from various specialty and super-specialty departments such as Neurosurgery, Gastrosurgery, Gastroenterology, Urology, Cardio-Thoracic Vascular Surgery, Respiratory Medicine etc.

The histopathology section has automatic tissue processor. In addition to the routine stains, 35 special stains are performed whenever needed.

Immunohistochemistry – 48 antibodies have been standardized to assist in the diagnosis and prognostication of various malignancies and other disorders.


The Department has well developed cytology laboratory with experts and technologists doing exfoliative as well as aspiration cytology including USG and CT guided FNAC Cytocentrifuge is available to process fluids and CSF. Cell blocks are also prepared from body fluids whenever needed.


Specialized tests such as hormonal assays, tumour markers and autoimmune profiles are also being performed.


For Haematology and Biochemistry internal and external quality controls are performed regularly.

Last Updated On 16/01/2019