M Sc
- The objectives of MSc Nursing programme are to
- Utilize the concepts, theories and principles drawn from nursing.
- Demonstrate competency in advanced nursing practice
- Prepare the graduates as educator, leader, manager, researcher and administrator
- Emphasize for further professional education and specialization in nursing care.
- Demonstrate competence in conducting nursing research,disseminate and utilize the findings of health related research.
- Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement.
M.Sc. Nursing (Obstetrics &GynaecologyNursing ) – 03 seats
M.Sc. Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)- 02 seats
Reservation of seats as per Govt. of India
Other Backward Class (OBC) : 27%
Scheduled Caste (SC) : 15%
Scheduled Tribe (ST) : 7.5%
Physically Handicapped : 3%
*3% reservation will be given to Physically challenged Candidates on horizontal basis as per Govt. of India guidelines.
- If requisite number of suitable candidates is not available to fill up the seats reserved for the Scheduled Castes, the same will be filled by candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes and vice-versa. In case suitable candidates are not available from the two reserved categories, the vacant seats will be filled up by the candidates from the OBCcategory.
- In case suitable candidates are also not available in the OBC category, the same will be filled up by the candidates from the Unreserved category. Issue date of caste certificate of OBC category should not be older than one year from the date of application.
- In respect of candidates belonging to SC and ST category a self-attested copy of community certificate should be produced. For candidates belonging to OBC non-creamy layer certificate along with application should be attached from any of the following authorities (District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/1st class Stipendiary Magistrate/City Magistrate/Sub divisional Magistrate/Taluk Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner/Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Revenue officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and Sub-Divisional officer of the area, where the candidate and/or his/her family normally resides) and the original certificate should be produced at the time of counseling/personal interview.
- If the candidate Fails to produce Non-Creamy layer certificate (NCLC) and community certificate he/she will be considered as unreserved category
- The Non-Creamy layer certificate from competent authorityshould not be older than one year.
Physically Challenged
- 3% of seats are reserved on horizontal basis for persons with disability (PWD) only for loco-motor disability to the tune of 40% to 50% of the lower extremity (as per Indian Nursing Council admission criteria). However, candidates may kindly note that in case of selection under PWD Category they will be required to produce disability certificate from one of the disability assessment board constitute by state or central government. Other eligibility criteria with regard to age and qualification will be the same as prescribed for each nursing programme.
- In case the seats remain vacant under any reserved category the same shall be declared open and offered to the candidates under unreserved category in order of merit.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (as per Indian Nursing Council
MSc (Nursing)
- The candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife with any State Nursing Registration Council.
- The Minimum education requirements shall be the passing of regular B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/ regular Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with minimum of 55% aggregate marks.
- 5% relaxation of marks for SC/ST candidates.
- The candidate should have undergone B.Sc. Nursing / B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/ Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing in an institution which is recognized by Indian Nursing Council. (Study centers of Bhoj University Bhopal are not recognized and the students qualifying from this University are not eligible for admission to the MSc Nursing programme.)
- Minimum one year of work experience after Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
- Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
- Candidate shall be medically fit.
- Students shall be admitted once in a year.
Note : Medical has to be done from Govt/State Hospital, if reports found false admission will be cancelled. Candidates should present original medical fitness certificates at the time counseling.
Entrance Test
Duration – 2 Hours
Marks – 100
The scheme of Entrance Examination is as follows:
Examination process
The entrance examination will be based on B.Sc./PBBSc Nursing Syllabus. Objective type (MCQs) paper of two hours duration and from 8 subjects as follows:
S No. |
Subjects |
Marks |
1 |
Fundamental of Nursing and Advance nursing practice, Nursing Ethics and professional trends in Nursing. |
20 |
2 |
Medical Surgical Nursing |
10 |
3 |
Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing |
10 |
4 |
Nursing Education, Nursing Administration & Management |
20 |
5 |
Nursing Research and Statistics |
10 |
6 |
Child Health Nursing |
10 |
7 |
Community Health Nursing |
10 |
8 |
Mental Health Nursing |
10 |
Total |
100 |
- Entrance Examination will be conducted in English language only.
- Each correct response will get a score of one mark (1).
- More than one response will get a score of zero (0).
- No credit will be given for the question not answered.
- Admissions of the candidate are strictly on merit basis of entrance test.
- Based on the result of the Entrance Examination, combined as well as separate merit lists will be prepared for the Unreserved, OBC, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe categories.
- Individual correspondence/telephonic information in this regard will not be entertained.
- Admit cards for appearing in entrance exam will be issued by Bhopal Nursing College, BMHRC on the day of Entrance Examination for eligible candidates on ------------------- at Bhopal Nursing College.
Personal interview/ Counseling
- In Personal interview/counseling, document verification and allotment of seats will be carried out for Reserved and Unreserved category.
- If a candidate is found to have furnished any false Information/documents/testimonials, the admission of the candidate shall be cancelled at any stage of her/his admission without any further notice and legal action as deemed necessary shall be taken.
- Allocation of admission will be on merit basis. For each category number of candidates called for counseling will be based on availability of seats.
- Order of counseling will be Unreserved, SC, ST and OBC.
- When all the seats of unreserved category are finished then only reserved category counseling will be carried out.
- In case of two or more candidates belonging to the same category obtaining equal marks in the entrance examination, their inter se merit will be determined in order of preference as under
- Candidates obtaining higher marks in B.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
- Candidates having more experience *Clinical/teaching)/
- Candidate order in age to be preferred.
- On the basis of the merit list based on the marks secured in entrance examination candidate will be invited for counseling by the Admission Committee. In case candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC are not available for counseling, then the number of candidates from the unreserved category will be proportionately increased.
- In case of absence of candidate, priority will be given to the next candidate as per the merit list.
Lecture Halls
Bhopal Nursing College has spacious lecture halls with comfortable seating arrangements and is also equipped with advanced teaching aids for effective teaching and learning experience.
Institute Library
The library of the BMHRC institute is stocked and equipped with more than 3,000 medical & nursing books, Indian and International e-journals, newspapers, periodicals and magazines. E-journals can be accessed through internet using software Proquest, J-Gate + and clinical key.
Information Technology Centre/Computer Lab
The college has well established computer lab with internet facility which is accessible to all learners so as to keep themselves updated with the current trends and technologies in nursing.
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Lab
Maternal and child health is given prime attention in our country. The MCH lab is equipped with antenatal examination simulator, Gynecological examination model, delivery model, charts and other equipments.
Nursing Foundation Lab
Nursing is a skill based profession. Nursing Foundation Lab is equipped with all advanced equipments, articles, models, charts, and mannequins to enhance the nursing skills of the learners.
Community Health Nursing Lab
Community lab is well equipped to develop skills for rendering service in rural and urban community.
Nutrition Lab
Nutrition lab is equipped and well furnished with utensils, nutritional charts, models. It is well ventilated with good lighting and adequate water facilities.
Pre-clinical Science Lab
The lab is equipped with models, charts, specimens, microscopes and slides to provide better understanding of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology.
Audio-visual Lab
The audiovisual lab consist of OHP, LCD, TV, Posters, Flannel board, Model and other teaching learning materials for effective teaching learning process.
Multipurpose Hall (Auditorium)
The institute has an advanced auditorium with centralized air conditioning, adequate seating facility, modern light system and digital sound facility. Individual mike control facility is also available on chairs.
Parent Hospital
Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre is the parent Hospital of Bhopal Nursing College. It is a 350- bedded Super Specialty Hospital with advanced diagnostic laboratory.
Affiliated Hospital
Bhopal Nursing College is affiliated with Gas RahatHopsital, Bhopal for Maternity and Pediatrics training.
Students of Bhopal Nursing College are regularly utilizing the rural and urban community area covered by Community Health Centre, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, and BMHRC Health Centers.
Activities of the nursing students include early identification of health problems by regular home visits, participation in National Health Programmes like Pulse-Polio Immunization Programme, Measles Immunization Awareness Programme, Community Nutrition Development Programme, Reproductive and Child Health Services and School Health Services etc.
Recreational Activities
Facilities of in-door and outdoor games like chess, badminton, carom, volley ball, handball, tennis, cricket, hockey and football are available for the nursing students. One hour of outdoor activity per day is promoted for better physical health of the students.
Cultural Activities
Cultural programmes are organized on various occasions. The students are encouraged to participate in dance, skits, mime shows, tableaux etc to help promote inherent talent of the nursing students.
- Female candidates admitted in M.Sc. Nursing course the provision will be provided as per availability.
- Residence in the hostel of the institute is compulsory for female candidates admitted to Basic B.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing programmes courses.
- Hostel is not available for male students.
- Allotment of rooms in the hostel shall be made by a Committee chaired by the Principal and subject to availability.
- Student shall have to abide by the rules and regulations of the Hostel failing which their allotment shall be cancelled without any further notice.
- Visitors are not allowed without permission of the Hostel warden.
- Mess fees are compulsory.
- All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested with the Director, BMHRC.
- Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the rules, the following shall amount to act of gross indiscipline.
- Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the teaching or non- teaching staff of any department/ centre or any other person within the premises/ campus.
- Violation of the status, dignity and honor of students belonging to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes.
- Carrying of any weapon to threaten
- Any attempt of bribing or corruption in any manner
- Destruction of institutional property in any manner
- Creating ill-will of intolerance on religious or communal grounds
- Causing disruption in any manner of the functioning of the institute
- Students admitted to the Institute shall have to follow rules and regulations given by the institution from time to time
- Students will have to attend classes (80%) and practical hours (100%) regularly as per the INC, State Nursing Council & University norms. In case of short attendance the student will not be eligible for University Examination.
- In case of illness, permission shall have to be obtained from the Principal/ Class Coordinator to remain absent from college.
- Original certificates will be retained in the office of the Principal, and the same will be returned at the time of relieving.
- Students shall wear the prescribed uniform while on duty and at college premises:
- Winter season uniform: Prescribed uniform with full
- Sleeve black high neck plain sweater.
- Sports uniform: navy blue track suits with black canvas shoes.
- When a student is found guilty of breach of discipline / misconduct within or outside the premises of the institution, the Principal/ Director may act according to the nature and gravity of the offence as follows
- Suspension
- Expulsion from the institute
- Disqualification from institutional/ university examination
- Rustication from the institute.
- College authorities, hostel in-charge & hospital will not take any responsibility, if student tries to attempt or commit any kind of nuisance, unnatural act, within or outside the college/hostel premises.
- Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the college/hospital campus.
- Ragging is strictly prohibited in or outside the college campus.
- UGC regulation on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institution, 2007 in view of the direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India will be followed strictly.
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited, within or outside the premises of the college/ institution.
- Any act of misconduct or malpractice by which dominant power or status of senior students is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in any way considered junior or inferior by other students and includes individual or collective acts or practices which
- Students should be in decent dresses while out of hostel gate.
- Involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force.
- Violate the status, dignity and honour of female students.
- Violate the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes.
- Expose students to ridicule on contempt and affect their self –esteem.
- Entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene behavior.
- The Principal/Director/Chairperson Anti ragging committee shall take immediate action on any information of the occurrence of ragging.
Measures taken by the institution to prevent Ragging
- Written notice expressing that ragging is totally prohibited in institution.
- Those who are found guilty of ragging/ abetting ragging, actively or passively or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging are liable to be punished in accordance with these regulation as well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force.
- Members of Anti-ragging committee at the institute and university
After completion of admission the student should submit the online anti-ragging form and submit the details to the anti-ragging committee of the college.
S No. |
Name |
Post |
Mobile No. |
E-mail Id |
1 |
MS. Anita NandPrincipal, Nursing College, BMHRC |
Chairperson |
9827647117 |
nandanita06@gmail.com |
2 |
Mr. Swabir S.F., Tutor Nursing college, BMHRC |
Coordinator |
8547669467 |
swabirsf9@gmail.com |
3 |
Dr. HanniVGulwani, Assistant Professor,Dept. Pathology, BMHRC |
Member |
9406511183 |
hannigulwani@yahoo.com |
4 |
Mrs. PrabhaAgnibhoj, Lecturer Nursing College, BMHRC |
Member |
9893183809 |
prabhaagnibhoj@ymail.com |
5 |
Mrs. Ritu N Sonber, Tutor Nursing College, BMHRC |
Member |
8120047815 |
ritusonber815@gmail.com |
6 |
Dr. RupeshRanjan, Clinical Neuro Psychologist, BMHRC |
Member |
9691107376 |
dr.rupeshranjan@gmail.com |
7 |
Fresher B.Sc. Nursing |
Representative |
8 |
Senior Student B.Sc. Nursing |
Representative |
9 |
Fresher P.B.B.Sc.Nursing |
Representative |
10 |
Senior Student P.B.B.Sc. Nursing |
Representative |
11 |
Fresher M.Sc.Nursing |
Representative |
12 |
Senior Student M.Sc. Nursing |
Representative |
Anti Ragging Toll Free Number
E-mail Id- helpline@antiragging.in
Last Updated On 24/01/2020